
Kuntai Life and Health Industry Innovation Alliance Global Health Forum

On May 29th, the first session of the Global Health Innovation Salon hosted by the Kuntai Life and Health Industry Innovation Alliance was held at the First People's Hospital of Kunshan, co-organized by Peking University's Institute for Global Health and Development, Kunshan Development Zone Science and Technology Bureau, and Kunshan First People's Hospital. The event aimed to share cutting-edge knowledge in the life and health industry, promote the development of innovation, further facilitate cooperation and exchange between academia and local communities, and bridge the gap in the transformation of industrial scientific and technological achievements, particularly focusing on the "last kilometer."


The event was attended by several notable figures, including Liu Guoen, Dean of Peking University's Institute for Global Health and Development, Tian Youzhong, Party Branch Secretary and Director of the Strategic Development Department, Wang Tao, Professor of Nephrology at Peking University Third Hospital, Chen Xi, Associate Professor of Health Policy and Economics at Yale University, representatives from Kunshan Development Zone Science and Technology Bureau, leaders from Kunshan First People's Hospital, and representatives from 20 life and health enterprises in the Kuntai area.

The Forum comprised keynote speeches, roundtable discussions, on-site visits, collaboration between medical and enterprise sectors, and collaborative innovation. During the opening remarks, Liu Guoen briefly outlined the challenges and opportunities facing the life and health industry in the current context. Tian Youzhong highlighted the significance of the event, while representatives from Kunshan Development Zone Science and Technology Bureau and Kunshan First People's Hospital emphasized the value of developing new opportunities in the life and health sector from the perspectives of government departments and medical institutions.

Professor Wang Tao and Professor Chen Xi delivered keynote speeches on "Integrated Management of Chronic Diseases" and "Promoting Healthy Aging through Whole-Cycle, Multi-Sector Collaboration: A Case Study of Brain Health," respectively. Their speeches combined theory with practical examples. During the roundtable discussion, experts, scholars, government officials, hospital representatives, and entrepreneurs engaged in lively discussions on the topics, facilitating the translation of academic theories and research achievements into practical applications and outcomes.

The event featured both intellectual exchanges and guided tours. Attendees visited Kunshan First People's Hospital, where they gained insights into the hospital's achievements from various dimensions, including technological platforms, clinical trials, and experiences in medical-enterprise collaboration. Participants expressed that the event not only showcased cutting-edge technological achievements from world-class institutions but also served as a bridge for communication among universities, governments, hospitals, and enterprises. They believed that the event injected new vitality into the development of the city's life and health industry.



(Interpreted by Waverly Shi)