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Peking University Institute for Global Health and Development Fall 2023 Reading Club Session 5 | Data introduction of “Health Economic Experiment for Targeted Poverty Alleviation: An Interventional Study in Sichuan Liangshan”

On November 3, 2023, from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM, Peking University Institute for Global Health and Development successfully hosted the fifth session of the Fall 2023 Reading Club. The speaker for this event was post-doctoral research fellow Wu Ziting from Peking University Institute for Global Health and Development.


In this event, Dr. Wu Ziting introduced the data from the key project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, "Health Economic Experiment for Targeted Poverty Alleviation: An Interventional Study in Sichuan Liangshan". The intervention experiments targeting drinking behavior in Liangshan have been completed. Currently the team is conducting interventions for gynecological diseases, specifically Female Pelvic Floor Dysfunction (FPFD), aimed at improving women's health and labor output. Based on the preliminary work of the team, the baseline survey, two interventions, and two follow-up visits conducted 6 and 12 months after the completion of the baseline survey for the target population have been completed. Dr. Wu Ziting called on the faculty and students of the college to further explore the data of the two experiments to enrich the project results.