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Gordon Liu


Gordon G. LIU, PhD., Dean of PKU Institute for Global Health and Development, PKU BOYA Distinguished Professor of Economics, MOE Yangtze River Scholar Professor of Economics at PKU National School of Development, and Director of PKU China Center for Health Economic Research. Previously, he was on fulltime faculty at University of Southern California, UNC-Chapel Hill, PKU Guanghua School of Management. He served as the President of Chinese Economists Society, and founding chair of the ISPOR Asian Pacific Consortium. Currently, Prof. Liu is a co-organizer for the US-China Track II Dialogue on Health, and he is a member of China National Expert Panel on Covid-19, as well as on the State Council Health Reform Advisory Commission. He chairs the China Pharmacoeconomic Society, and co-chairs the Health Thematic Group of the UN Sustainable Development and Solution Network (SDSN) Leadership Council led by Jeffrey Sachs of Columbia University. Prof. Liu has served as Associate Editor for academic journals including Health Economics (HE), Value in Health (The ISPOR official journal), and China Economic Quarterly (CEQ). He received PhD in Economics from CUNY Graduate Center, and post-doctoral training in health economics from Harvard University, focusing on research areas in health and development economics, health policy reform, and health technology assessment.