Head of Department of Laboratory Science and Technology, Deputy Director of Department of Global Health, School of Public Health; Joint Research Professor, Institute for Global Health and Development
Research Field: Epidemiology, immunoprophylaxis
Assistant Professor at the Institute of Global Health and Development at Peking University
Research Field: Health Economics,Behavioral Economics,Health Psychology
Assistant Professor and Chairman at Department of Environmental Management, College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering; Assistant Professor, Institute for Global Health and Development
Research Field: Green and low-carbon transition; Planetary and human health; Health co-benefits of climate policy; Integrated assessment of energy, environment and economy
Academic Dean, Institute of South-South Cooperation and Development; Professor, Institute for Global Health and Development
Research Field: Political Economy and Public Policy
Professor,China Center for Health Development Studies, Institute for Global Health and Development, Peking University
Research Field: Vaccine Economics; Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases; Global Health and Economics
Professor, Institute for Global Health and Development and School of Public Health
Research Field: Health Policy; Global Health
Research Professor, Institute for Global Health and Development
Research Field: Population, Health and Development; Reproductive Health; Gender and Development; Environment, Resources and Sustainable Development and Gerontological Social Work
Director, China Center for agricultural Policy; Professor, Institute for Global Health and Development
Research Field: Agricultural Development; R&D Policy; Food Demand, Supply, Marketing, And Trade; Applied Econometrics; Food Security, Poverty and Rural Development; Agricultural Resource Management; Economics of Climate Change; Modeling and Decision Support System
Tenured Associate Professor, National School of Development; Joint Associate Professor, Institute for Global Health and Development
Research Field: Public Economics, Health Economics, Labor Economics
Research Professor, Institute for Global Health and Development and School of Public Health
Research Field: Pharmaceutical R&D and global health, global health security, nutrition and food safety, public health preparedness and response
Associate Professor, Institute for Global Health and Development and School of Public Health
Research Field: Environmental Factors and Population Health in Healthy City Construction; Health Impacts of Air Pollution and Intervention Evaluation
Professor, Institute for Global Health and Development
Research Field: Health and Development Economics, Demography, and Public Policy
Research Associate Professor, Institute for Global Health and Development and School of Public Health
Research Field: Health system and policy, Global strategies of prevention and control for chronic non-communicable diseases, Global health governance
Professor, Institute for Global Health and Development and School of Public Health
Research Field: Modelling risk of infectious diseases,Decision making on policies of public health driven by big data, Investigation on control and prevention on drug abuse
Research Assistant professor, Institute for Global Health and Development
Research Field: Law and global health governance, health and development economics, environmental health, and rural household behavior survey
Professor of School of Electronics and Institute for Global Health and Development, Peking University
Research Field: Wireless communication theory and system communication; Medical Internet of Things
Founder and Director of the Peking University Opera Research Institute; Dual-Appointed Professor at the Institute for Global Health and Development, Peking University; Director of the Arts and Health Management Laboratory at Peking University
Research Field: Arts and Health Management, Sound Energy, Chinese Bel Canto
PKU BOYA Distinguished Professor; Dean, Institute for Global Health and Development
Research Field: Health and Development Economics, Healthcare Reform, Health Technology Assessment
Professor, National School of Development and Institute for Global Health and Development
Research Field: Labor Economics, Health Economics, The Economics of Aging, Applied Econometrics
Professor, Institute for Global Health and Development and School of Public Health
Research Field: Global Health Governance, Global Health Diplomacy, International Health Development Assistance, International Health Cooperation Project Management
Assistant Professor,Institute for Global Health and Development and School of Public Health
Research Field: Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases, Prevention, Control and Management on Infectious Diseases, Maternal and Child Health, Big Data Research and Application in Health
Research Associate Professor, Institute for Global Health and Development and School of Public Health
Research Field: Health inequity, mental health, demography and health, disability prevention
Assistant professor, Institute for Global Health and Development
Research Field: pharmacoepidemiology, clinical epidemiology, pharmacoequity, international comparison of medication utilization, big data in medicine
Research track Assistant Professor, Institute for Global Health and Development
Research Field: Health education, health promotion, tobacco control
Research Assistant Professor, Institute for Global Health and Development
Research Field: Health Economics, Macroeconomics, Labor Economics, Nonparametric/Semiparametric Econometrics
Founding Executive Director, PKU Center for Medical Informatics; Research Fellow, PKU Institute for Global Health and Development
Research Field: Medical informatics; High quality and intelligent development of hospital informatization; Active health management based on full lifecycle health records; Smart elderly care and wellness; Medical natural language processing; Medical Artificial Intelligence and Clinical Decision Support
Assistant Professor, Institute for Global Health and Development
Research Field: Environmental Economics, Health Economics, and Development Economics
Professor of Economics; Associate Dean, School of Economic; Associate Dean, Institute for Global Health and Development
Research Field: Health Economics, Economics of Human Capital, Applied Econometrics
Professor of College of Future Technology, Joint Professor of the Institute for Global Health and Development
Research Field: Multi-modality Molecular Imaging; and Biomedical Optics and Laser Medicine
Associate Professor of Health Economics, School of Economics and Institute for Global Health and Development
Research Field: Health Economics, Health System Reform, Labor Economics
Assistant Researcher, Institute for Global Health and Development; Assistant Director, PKU China Center for Health Economic Research
Research Field: Health Economics, Global Health and Behavioral Science
Research Professor, Institute for Global Health and Development, Peking University
Research Field: Economic Sociology, Health Sociology, Medical and Health System Reform
Profesoor, School of International Studies, and Insitute for Global Health and Development
Research Field: Globalization, Global Governance, Cold War International History, International Relations Theory, International Security, East Asia Security, American Foreign Relations, China-US Relations
Assistant Professor, School of Public Health and Institute for Global Health and Development
Research Field: One Health/Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), Global Health Governance, International Health Development Assistance,Preventing Overdiagnosis and Overmedication
Professor, Department of Nephrology of Peking University Third Hospital, Joint Professor of PKU iGHD
Research Field: Dialysis Therapy, Chronic Kidney Disease, Autoimmune Disease, Chronic Disease Management and Big Data
Associate Dean, National School of Development; Professor, Institute for Global Health and Development
Research Field: Comparative Study of Forest Management Systems; Industrial Pollution Control Policy and Firm Level Analyses Climate Change Policy in Developing Countries Household Survey and Household Behavior Analysis
Professor, School of Journalism and Communication, and Institute for Global Health and Development
Research Field: Health Communication, Global Communication and Public Diplomacy
Associate Professor, College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Institute for Global Health and Development
Research Field: Environmental Regulation and Governance, Risk Perception And Communication, Environmental Attitudes And Behaviors
Dean of the Department of Global Health, School of Public Health & Associate Dean of the Institute for Global Health and Development, Peking University; Ph.D. Supervisor
Research Field: International development cooperation and global public goods for health; International financing for health; internationalization of China’s health care industry
Associate Professor, School of Economics and Institute for Global Health and Development
Research Field: Risk and Insurance, Health Economics
Professor, School of Advanced Agricultural Sciences; Joint Professor, Institute for Global Health and Development
Research Field: Pharmaceutical Quality Regulation, characterization and communication of pharmaceutical quality, knowledge engineering and evaluation
Assistant Professor, School of Public Health and Institute for Global Health and Development
Research Field: Global Health Promotion, Global Health Governance, Impact Evaluation, Culture and Global Health
Assistant Professor, School of Economics and Institute for Global Health and Development
Research Field: Health Economics
Professor, National School of Development; Joint Professor, Institute for Global Health and Development
Research Field: Health Economics, Economics of Artificial Intelligence, Economic Development, Labor and Demographic Economics, Health Big Data Analyses, Econometrics, and Behavioral Economics.
Assistant Professor, Institute for Global Health and Development
Research Field: Health Economics, Development Economics
BOYA Distinguished Professor, National School of Development and Institute for Global health and Development
Research Field: Labor Economics, Health Economics, Economics of Aging
Professor, National School of Development, and Institute for Global Health and Development
Research Field: Labor Economics, Applied Econometrics, Experimental Economics, Public Health
Associate Dean, School of International Studies; Associate Dean, Institute for Global Health and Development
Research Field: International Organizations and Global Governance, Multilateral Diplomacy, Global Environment and Climate Governance, China’s Environmental Diplomacy
MD, MPH; Associate Dean, National Institute of Health Data Science; Professor, Institute for Global Health and Development
Research Field: Prevalence, Risk Factors, Intervention and Management of Kidney Disease; Big Data and Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare
Professor and Chair of the Department of Diplomacy, School of International Studies, Professor of the Institute for Global Health and Development
Research Field: Diplomatic Studies,Theory Of Foreign Policy Analysis
Emeritus Professor, National School of Development and Institute for Global Health and Development
Research Field: Population healthy aging and elderly health service and policy; Health Services Planning; Family Dynamics and Life Courxe Study; Demographic, Economic and Sicial Changes
Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering & Development, College of Engineering; Institute for Global Health and Development
Research Field: Pharmaceutical Quality Regulation, characterization and communication of pharmaceutical quality, knowledge engineering and evaluation
Professor, Institute for Global Health and Development and Institute of Population Research
Research Field: Population Health in Life Course, Gerontology and Gerontology, Disability Prevention and Rehabitation
Assistant professor, Institute for Global Health and Development, School of Public Health
Research Field: Biologic Risk Factors, Innovative Epidemiologic Methods, Statistical Analysis in the Conduct of Air Pollution-Health research