
Contact Info
  • huangwei@pku.edu.cn


Tenured Associate Professor, National School of Development; Joint Associate Professor, Institute for Global Health and Development

Research Field: Public Economics, Health Economics, Labor Economics

Wei Huang is an associate professor with tenure at National School of Development at Peking University. Dr Huang got his PhD of Economics at Harvard University in 2016. Previously, he worked as a post-doc fellow at NBER, assistant professor at National University of Singapore and Emory University. His research fields include health economics, public economics, and labor economics. His research articles are published on Nature, The Review of Economics and Statistics,American Economic Journal: Applied Economics,Journal of Labor Economics,Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Economic Perspectives, etc. Meanwhile, he is a coeditor of Economics of Transition and Institutional Change, an associate editor of China Economic Review and Journal of Asian Economics.