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北京大学全球健康发展研究院Reading Club第8期 | Effects of Medicare coverage for the chronically ill on health insurance, utilization, and mortality: Evidence from coverage expansions affecting people with end-stage renal disease

2023年5月15日下午14:00-15:00,北京大学全球健康发展研究院举办了第8期Reading Club,本次活动的主讲人为北京大学全球健康发展研究院Fellow李云博士。


本次活动分享的文章为Martin S. Andersen在2018年6月发表在Journal of Health Economics上的一篇实证研究文章:Effects of Medicare coverage for the chronically ill on health insurance, utilization, and mortality: Evidence from coverage expansions affecting people with end-stage renal disease,这篇文章使用三重差分、双重差分等方法,比较1973年针对终末期肾病个体Medicare医保扩张政策对65岁以下年龄群体的保险覆盖、医疗服务利用和死亡率造成的影响,估计出保险覆盖率增加了22%~30%,医生就诊次数增加了25%~35%,Medicare扩张还将65岁以下人群因肾脏疾病导致的死亡率降低了0.5~1.0(1/10万),同时分别从需求方和供给方分析了医保扩张的两种影响机制。



文章信息:Martin S. Andersen. Effects of Medicare coverage for the chronically ill on health insurance, utilization, and mortality: Evidence from coverage expansions affecting people with end-stage renal disease[J]. Journal of Health Economics, 2018, 60: 75–89.
